Tuesday, 30 August 2011

How to buy funny t-shirts online at the best price

Well Well!! All those jokes has been quite an outdated one isn’t it? I was wondering why we don’t try something new and give our taste buds something new and refreshing. But with those same old tee-shirts and same slogans I was finding it baffling. How can our elder brother be on Facebook with those same slogans and we not a new one. It’s not a family tradition that we have to carry on. We need something of our own. I guess we have two options to pick from either try those same second hand funny T-shirts or we innovate. Well I’m not in for the first one. I will put my own Tees at any cost, After all we get our pocket money once in a month and how can I give it to something I don’t want.

I have picked up my own path. I head to Teesort.com and I pick my own design. I choose what I want and I get them at my doorstep. I don’t have all that time in world to go to the store and looks for thousand of Tees and pick one from them I will not wander in the hot sun for that matter in the mauls as I know they will show me the same Tees they showed to my elder brother those outdated Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara. I want something of my time. Something funny like the one I saw on Tessort.com MOM SAID NO TO GIRLS. I keep flaunting to girls when they ask for any help.

You can always try something new. It’s my time and I pay and so I have right to buy what I want and that should be the priority not the old shop keeps attitude “THIS IS IN”. I will decide what is out and I will decide what is in. I will not buy what you want to sell I will buy what I want to buy. Funny Tee’s should show what I want to fell funny about. And that is what I will keep rooting to. I would suggest you all my friends to get in with something you want to wear. Those old shopping is history and now what I want to buy is what I will buy. I want to put the “DANGER THIS IS SPARTAAAA” or “DISCO KING” or may be my favorite “I SUFFER FROM MOOD SWINGS ATTACK EVER 2 SEC’S”.

So friends and countrymen let’s take an oath lets buy funny tees but tees that we want not those they want to sell us. Tees those are worth buying. Tess those are not outdated. TEESORT is an Online Designer T-Shirts Shop in Delhi, India. Provides Designer Tees Like Slogan T-Shirts For Men.